And I'm in such a different place than ever before. God has moved me so far in the last year or so. It's amazing. They both wrote beautiful blogs about having, and being, a mom. You can read them here and here. So I just thought I'd join them and share a little of where I am today.
I have two amazing girls, who are amazing moms, both with entirely different parenting styles and neither one very much like mine (at least I don't think so). But we all wanted nothing more in life than to become mothers and we all love the children God gave us to raise. alot.
Amazing. I love my relationship with all 3 of my kids (throw a son in there to round out the lot). I love the regular (and sometimes marathon length) phone conversations (since 2 of them live out of state) and that Emma will call me to chat almost every time she's in the car and I'm not at work, and that Adam will usually video call instead of just phone calling, so that we can see each other, just like he was here. And I love the impromptu conversations with the one that lives in my house. Not to mention our market Saturdays where we spend all day, beginning at Eastern Market and working our way back, coming home too exhausted to even prepare anything we've purchased :)
I love that although the 3 of them are totally different, i can see some of my personality in all of them. Emma and I can tackle anything together, and would prefer to do it ourselves, please. She is the yin to my yang. Adam and I have brains that never stop. Give us one little sliver of an idea and we will think about it in 1500 hundred different directions. Liz and I wear our hearts on our sleeves, and have to talk everything through with someone before we can trust that we've made the right decision for ourselves. Crazy and I love them all!
So as i reflect on 29 years of mothering, I am content. God has blessed me abundantly and I am continually amazed at how, even through the painful times, it just gets better and better.
Happy Mothers Day to all. May you see Gods abundant blessing, too.