Or, as in my case, blog regularly in neither :(
So, I've been busy. There's something you don't hear me say very often. Truth be told, I think I've been more distracted than busy. Sometimes I am just too overwhelmed to press on and do the things I'm supposed to be doing. But today is April 15th and my taxes were mailed today. That's good for me. An accomplishment and an item checked off my to do list :)
I'm catching up at work it seems. This could be looked at as a positive or a negative. Yes, I'm catching up, but that's because there is a lack of new work coming in to distract me from the piles all over my desk. I've decided it's ok for awhile since I've been lost in the piles for far too long.
Mr & Mrs is getting ready to launch a new website, thanks to Carol, a phenomenal person who likes to stay in the background helping others and seems to live with a "git er done" attitude! So check us out at MrandMrsOnline.com. Of course feedback is always welcome.
And I think I've found a new favorite author, Jen Hatmaker, author of the Modern Girls Guide to Bible Study. She is refreshing and funny and leaves things in there, that most people would leave out, and those things typically make me laugh, sometimes even out loud :) I think I've found what I'll be teaching in September as well. Thank you Ellisa for the great recommendation, and of course for the willingness to lead the fall class with me.
So that's it for now, feel free to jump over to SoulyHis.Blogspot.com to check out things that make me go hmmm...?